Monday, March 12, 2007

Thus, the Journey begins

How did this epic Journey come to be, you ask? Well, I have not been a big fan of blogs, but I do every so often visit my buddy Tim's. I also have been a faithful reader of Lore Sjoberg's blog. From Lore's blog, I clicked on a link to another blog, by Matt Gill. Somewhere is there, I started thinking of how cliche it would be to write a blog about blogs, and how I would do it "differently". So I decided to make this into a Journey. I like to capitalize Journey because it reminds me that Steve Perry rocks! And just so you know, he is no longer with the band...

I have set some ground rules for myself. First off, I am telling no one about this blog except for the owners of the blogs I visit. Also, I will only move from blog to blog via links on the blog. I expect to run into some dead-ends. If this is the case, I will back up to the most recent blog with multiple links and try again.

For every blog I visit, I will give a breif synopsis, plus how that blog makes me feel. I won't judge others by rating their blogs, but I will give my opinion. Which, in essence, means I will be judging. To start things off...


The_Bad said...

You ask me to link you and you haven’t even covered my site yet? I’m sending my brother after you!

Scott Duster said...

The Bad:

Dipshit! Read what this site's about. I'm trying to find YOUR site. Ugh!

Floyd: Knew you'd rear your ugly head. How's your mom? Have they released her back into the wild yet?