Tuesday, March 13, 2007

2nd Degree

The Silent Penultimate Panel Watch

This blog makes me feel: Inspired

Alright, I will admit: this was actually the blog that inspired me to start my Journey through the blogs of the world. Something about Mr. Gill's steadfast dedication to something so... mind blowingly odd... was fascinating. Thus, I decided to create this blog based on this one great blog to blog experience.

Gill tracks comic strips in which the second to last panel is silent for comic timing. I caught this blog right at it's end, as Gill is now tracking the use of the term "rock star" being used in the media. I think this is how I like to catch blogs. It's like renting all the seasons of Laguna Beach on DVD and watching them straight through. When will LC learn...

Anyways, this blog is fascinating, and I do suggest at least a visit. Turns out, one comic actually added a penultimate silent panel just to see if it would catch the attention of Gill. I thought that was nice, so I am jumping ship to my next blog, To Much Coffee Mans' creator Shanon Wheeler's blog. And thus the Journey continues...

Steve's blog in one quote: "If a lazy gag points out the fact that it is a lazy gag, is it still a lazy gag?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great idea for a blog, and a great start. I'm watching, so don't quit already...